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Disco Poster Sept19_Eng.jpg
Disco Poster Sept19_Eng.jpg


The Disco has not yet re-started since Covid 19. Watch this space for updates.


"The Corris Disco Committee is an informal group of four women who just love to dance. We felt we were not getting enough opportunity to do so, and decided we should change this. We invite different djs to come to the Institute, roughly every two months, and although we have our favourites we are always looking out for new ones. We keep the decor simple but stylish. We have a good crowd of enthusiastic regulars and new people checking it out each time - people who share our love of dancing. Ian Clewett designed us a stunning eye catching poster that we put around Corris and Machynlleth, otherwise it's Facebook, Machswapshop and word of mouth. We charge £6 for adults and have a reduced entry of £3 for teenagers."   Corris Disco Committee






Corris Institute

Bridge Street 


SY20 9SH



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